Pitch Deck and Case Study

Scroll down to view the slides used to pitch this advertising campaign. Below that, elements of the campaign are broken down and explained.


White Claw Hard Seltzer is an alcoholic seltzer water beverage manufactured in 2016 by Mark Anthony Group. In 2019 the drink shot into fame and created a revolution in the alcohol industry. Hard seltzers became just as common as beer. Young, hopeful, and exciting, the drink fits perfectly into the hands of the target audience, which is young millennials and older gen z’s.

The target audience is young adults, ages 21 to 26 — those who were in college when White Claws were at their peak popularity in 2019. White Claw is unique in the fact that they are gender-neutral, which is an important part of its success as gen z and millennials are starting to rebel against gender stereotypes. Claw drinkers have vibrant social lives and want to feel summer. They aren’t on a strict budget but are still not as well off as the older adults. They are conscious of their health, even if only slightly. If there’s an option for a fun, refreshing, healthy option for a drink they’ll pick that over a traditional alcoholic drink.

Current Ads

Earlier advertisements lacked a strong brand identity. Through time, the brand became more established and found a cohesive look. Though the ads are now cohesive, they have become stagnant and have little variety in them, often reusing the same visuals. In a now saturated market, these will fall into the background and fail to keep interested.

Campaign Strategy

In order to rekindle the popularity of White Claw and stand out among competition, the campaign will create a feeling of nostalgia for a summer before the pandemic and offer a way to relive it by bringing those memories back to life. The tone and messaging will be exciting, friendly, and nostalgic.

Print Ads

The print ads kick off the campaign, introducing the idea of bringing color back to summer after two years of isolation. They reference the old ads so the consumer is still able to make the connection to the brand, but they push a new narrative and catch the eye more. They also work to introduce the social hashtag, and set the tone for the rest of the campaign.

Social Ads

The target audience has a strong online presence, so to cater to that I created sponsored social ads. These graphics encourage the audience to purchase the Claws by referencing the nostalgia of 2019, and tell them that by purchasing the product they can get back to that summer they miss so much.

Digital Ads

As people start to feel more comfortable traveling again, they will start looking for places to vacation. This is especially true of those in the target audience that are in college, as they will be starting to plan their summer vacations. To take advantage of this, I created digital ads to go on sites that the audience would come across while making these plans.

Spotify Ad

The target audience rarely listens to traditional radio, and instead prefers streaming services like Spotify or Apple. To cater to them, I created a fifteen-second broadcast that invites the listener to grab a case of White Claw and get back on the beach.

Click on the image to hear the audio!

Out Of Home

As people become more comfortable traveling, they will start to be on the road more. To help make the campaign more impactful, a billboard will be used near coastal cities and college campuses to spark the consumers to purchase the product and live like it is summer 2019.

Unique Promo Item

The entire goal of the campaign is to remind people of their fond summer memories. To help get people in-store purchasing products, I created a UPI that ties into the campaign and creates a positive experience for consumers: The Claw Cam, preloaded with Claw film. This product launch will be announced on social media, encouraging people to participate in the #WhiteClawSummer tag, leading to more promotion for the brand!

Guerilla Marketing

The Guerilla marketing tactic works with the UPI. Once people are in the store, they will get to experience it. A consumer will come up to the cooler where the product is, and be greeted by a screen with only the logo and a few other elements on it. Following the directions on the floor, once the consumer opens the door, grabs a claw, and closes the door, they will be thrown into summer. The screen will turn on, and a camera will catch them in live-time interacting with the scene. This pushes the consumer to post on their social media showing off the interaction and sets the scene for consumers to experience summer before they have even cracked a claw open